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  • Writer's pictureDana Pentz

To New Beginnings

This is the first year in nearly two decades, that my career responsibilities did not include writing about college commencement. I miss the season of commencement, so I'll share it here on Life Is a Yellow Brick Road. During a recent visit to my hometown, Winfield, Kans., we celebrated family, specifically my beautiful niece's high school commencement.

We often celebrate the conclusion of education milestones with a graduation ceremony that may appear to celebrate the end of a life chapter. It's certainly an opportunity to showcase what has been accomplished and present diplomas and degrees. I love this part - the pomp and circumstance, the regalia, the formality, the emotions, and a person's life documented with pictures, awards, and sharing of memories. It's a fantastic way to celebrate success as the person moves through a life transition.

Equally important to this completion point is the launch of a new life chapter. Though degrees and diplomas are bestowed in a commencement ceremony, the word commencement means "to begin." Commencement is considered a life transition, and we know transitions can be scary. But when the beginning of a new chapter is celebrated, we evoke a sense of confidence in the graduate. Confidence in themselves and the trusted support of their tribe - family, friends, and mentors.

Transitions often reinforce previous experiences. These life experiences have prepared the graduate for this transition. Though they may feel overwhelmed or unsure, their tribe has helped them develop the needed knowledge to maneuver their next chapter. They know how to surround themselves with trusted mentors who will provide support. They are prepared to look forward. They are brave enough to do something new and stink at it. They are tenacious while learning something new, aware that failure is not the end but a stepping-stone to success.

To our family's graduate, Cadie, congratulations! I am super proud of you. May your beautiful ability to learn new things open the world's door to you.

Wishing each of you a wonderful season of commencement. Cheers to the graduates. Cheers to their tribes.

Until Next Time,


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