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  • Writer's pictureDana Pentz

Something Bigger

Updated: Apr 19, 2023

How we contribute to society, circles of family and friends, or the work setting often takes purposeful reflection to determine our values. The reflection process may be approached in a variety of manners. Perhaps you prefer to journal or meditate while others practice grounding, centering, or mindfulness. Your preference of methodology is not as important as results, understanding your beliefs, values, and purpose and how to apply these qualities in a meaningful manner. I have previously found time to reflect during my daily commute while riding horses or driving equipment, mostly tractors and lawnmowers. Today I reflect during walks or opportunities to be in nature. It's a bonus if my walk is in nature. One of my favorite places to reflect is the beach. The waves' roar and rhythm remind me to stay grounded as I continue considering how my values contribute to established connections and new surroundings. I'm sharing one of my favorite beaches along the Coral Sea with you. Wurtulla Beach is the perfect location for my reflection, providing semi-solitude with only a dozen people, and half as many dogs, on a half-mile stretch of beach.

Turn up the volume to enjoy the surf.

Until Next Time,


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