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  • Writer's pictureDana Pentz

Say What?

There were various reactions from friends and family when our move to Australia was announced. Most folks were excited, some thought we were a bit off our rocker, and a few searched for flights. But the consistent refrain was, "You won't have to learn a new language." A true statement. What we failed to fully grasp was the impact of different dialects.

Defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as, "A regional variety of a language differing from the standard language." Dialect makes a difference, so let's unbox the definition.

  • "A regional variety..." Australia and the United States are decidedly different regions of the world.

  • "...a language differing from the standard." Not better or worse, simply different.

All this to say, the dialect of the English language differs between Australia and the United States. Here are three phrases, I now include in my daily communication.

"Keen to..." This is one of my absolute favorites and replaces "excited", "awaiting", and "interested" in my written communications. "Keen to hear your thoughts." "Keen to know how your day went." 'Keen' is a keeper and will stay in my written and verbal communications.

"How [are] you going?" or "How [are] you getting on?" These phrases are the Australian version of the American, "How are you?" At first, these phrases didn't settle on my ear properly. The more I heard them used, the more I appreciated the sentiment. Why? Because the Australian question implies a continuum of existence. I like it and use it. Will I use the phrase in the States, not sure.

"Too easy!" This phrase is often used as a response to a request. Ask the server for extra sauce on your hamburger and receive in response, "You'd like extra sauce on your hamburger? Too easy!" Ask the Uber driver to drop you off at the corner and the response will likely be, "This corner? Too easy!" Love this, use this, will keep this in my daily communications.

Leaving you with the universal sound of the Coral Sea.

Moffat Beach, Queensland, Australia. 2023.

Until Next Time,


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