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  • Writer's pictureDana Pentz

R U Okay?

R U Okay Day originated in Australia in 2009. Gavin Larkin started R U Okay Day to help people check in on others. Change the Australian mindset to include mental well-being as part of a health lie. He wrapped the simple phrase with context. Provided a structure for asking and listening to have a meaningful conversation. He deepened awareness and broadened acceptance. He created a movement.

My first experience with R U Okay was September 14, 2023. A co-worker approached me and said, "Are you okay?" Puzzled, I replied, "Yes. I'm okay. Why do you ask?" She explained to me the premise of R U Okay Day was to purposely ask, listen, and support folks around us. Here's why I like it. We ask people how they are doing/going on a routine basis. Often, we ask in passing with no true intent to hear their response. We fail to listen, encourage action, and follow up with a check-in.

I'll make it a habit to ask, 'R U Okay?' more often, using the conversation guide to go deeper with those around me. To learn more about R U Okay Day, hear Gavin's story at

Until Next Time,


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