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  • Writer's pictureDana Pentz

Mother Nature Shows Her Mood

Hello from Australia's Sunshine Coast! Today I'm sharing a few photos of the Coral Sea.

Mother Nature shows her mood. Photos of the Coral Sea, the same sealine shown in each. The first picture shows the sea as grey and moody, with violently crashing waves. The next depicts a calm and subdued sea, a place for peace and reflection. And the third picture, portrays a bright sunny beach with people enjoying the sand and surf. Each photo portrays a different "mood" of the sea.

None of the individual photos accurately reflects the sea's overall personality. When we reflect on the entire photo array, we begin to see the breadth of personality this single sealine holds. Maybe you were tempted to conclude from the first photograph that this sealine was not your vibe. After all, it was having a moody day. As your eye moved to the second photo, you relaxed, even smiled, thinking, "That's a place I'd like to visit." By the third photograph, your smile broadened as you head to the closet for your beach bag.

Or perhaps you shared my reflection, absolute awe of the sea's magnificent power to rage and calm itself. Moving day-to-day, creating hostile to welcoming environments. What the photos fail to show is how each of the sea's moods benefited someone each day. On the bright sunny day, surfers, swimmers, picnic goers, dogs, and beach walkers enjoyed the beach and sea. The calm and subdued sea supported many of the same activities, though the surfers were left out. But on the grey and moody day, when few people enjoyed much of anything along this sealine, the windsurfers were abundant. It was the most windsurfers I had seen at one time. They used the moody sea to enjoy their sport, embracing the choppy waters and winds.

We know our own moods ebb and flow. So why not harness each day's specific energy for an appropriate activity? Can you imagine how incredible it would be to capitalize on the strengths of a grey and moody day to fuel your passion? Just as the windsurfers took advantage of a day of relatively empty beach to sail across the choppy waters by harnessing the winds and waves, you can find activities that both propel you forward and fit your mood. Please hear me say, I am not suggesting that we live in a cloud of grey moody days but rather acknowledge and embrace the diversity of our days. My wish for you is to experience the right balance of days to provide you with the energy to live your best life, approaching each day with curiosity and compassion for yourself.

Until Next Time,


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Jackie Glasgow
Jackie Glasgow
Jun 24, 2023

You have an excellent photographic eye and describe everything as if we are there seeing it first hand.

Dana Pentz
Dana Pentz
Jun 27, 2023
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Thank you for the thoughtful feedback, Jackie

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