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  • Writer's pictureDana Pentz

Drawing Parallels and Merging Bubbles

In transition periods, we seek familiarity and continuity, drawing on lived experiences to make sense of the new. Discovering parallels between our present and past experiences enables us to adapt and feel secure during transition and change. It's often the ordinary familiar routines that provide the first pieces of continuity during change.

We use transferable routines to find harmony with our new environment. Routines such as going to the grocery provide the continuity we need to thrive, or at least survive, during a transition. Though these routines provide continuity the details may not be familiar, meaning that routine can cause a bit of stress. After a significant move, quick trips to the grocery store are non-existent as the layout is strange and preferred ingredients are not available. For example, I once spent 15 minutes searching for eggs when we moved to Australia.

I was sent to Isle 8 no less than three times. The refrigerated section at the end of Isle 8 had no eggs. I was lost and frustrated. When a nice person, turned me around. The eggs were indeed in Isle 8. Eggs in Australia are often on a dry goods shelf with no refrigeration. My lived experiences kept me in a bubble, unable to imagine that the eggs were stored anywhere but in the refrigerated section.

Similar experiences await at work. You were likely hired because your knowledge is needed to help the organization succeed. This makes it an all-the-more jarring experience when, similar to the egg story above, you realize the organization's functionalities are different from your past experiences. To be clear, there's nothing wrong, it's simply different. Your mindset, framed by experience may keep you confined to a single bubble of thought, while your new counterparts are equally fitted into their thought bubble. The frightening thing about bubbles is that they POP, leaving both sides equally frustrated. The beautiful thing is that two bubbles, when coaxed, will merge into one. Mergers allow for knowledge sharing and understanding resulting in a more insightful and effective new bubble of knowledge.

When we purposefully merge our bubbles of knowledge and experience great things can happen. Here are three things to help you draw parallels during transitions.

  1. Establish a routine for daily tasks. Routines provide harmony through continuity and reduce stress.

  2. Be nimble. Realize your bubble needs to absorb new information to thrive.

  3. Demonstrate curiosity by asking open-ended questions, and guiding others to ask similar questions of you.

May your bubbles merge more than they pop!

Until Next Time,


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Jackie Glasgow
Jackie Glasgow
Jul 31, 2023

Great insight and perception!!

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