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  • Writer's pictureDana Pentz


Updated: Apr 12, 2023

Transition through adaptation. As humans, we use many phrases representing the need to be adaptive. Be nimble. Go with the flow. Adapt and overcome. Resistance is futile. Stay loose. These phrases may be perfectly useful and true in any number of situations. Adaptability is a good thing that keeps us inquisitive and moving forward.

When we are adapting, we are often in a phase of transition. Significant life transitions such as graduation, marriage, birth of a child, death of a loved one, and career changes may require a hefty adaptation. Other transitions may go unidentified as these are daily activities of life. Examples that spring to mind are grocers rearranging the store's layout, road closures that disrupt daily commutes, or moving from paper checks to electronic banking. Each requires less adaptation than the larger, more significant transitions.

Life transitions can also be “non-events”. This occurs when an expected event does not materialize. Pregnancy does not become reality. Or an acceptance letter to your family’s legacy college does not arrive. Like other life transitions, non-events can require significant or minute adaptation. Not winning the lottery requires less adaptation than when pregnancy is not a reality or the acceptance letter is not received.

During my current life transition, starting a consulting business while moving from the United States to Australia, I’ve seen nature's adaptability through a different lens. One which brings me peace and, hopefully, wisdom to bend, support, mold (um, twist), and persist. Can you find these qualities in the photos?

Until Next Time,


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